Apologies for no real posts lately but I took a few weeks off for the holidays, which was much needed. There were many days that consisted of living on the couch. We also got HBO and I got addicted to Game of Thrones, we watched the first 2 seasons in about 4 days. We also went on a lovely vacation to the Oregon Coast, saw friends, celebrated the holidays, and rang in the new year! Phew. Maybe not as lazy as it sounded?

As I ease back into the real world, aka back to the office and classroom and blogging regularly, I’m thinking about this upcoming year, what I’m excited about, scared about, my goals, hopes, and dreams. Here are some of them:
- Excited to spend most of the year with my husband! Minus a training exercise that I’m sure will pop up at some point, we should be together for the year. This should not only be fun but helpful when it comes to balancing work, school, life, since he’ll be there to help out! Plus, no more going to weddings solo! And he’s not bad too look at either 😉
- School. I’m excited about some of my courses, and a bit nervous. This upcoming quarter I have a very academic-ish class, on research in communications, and based on the syllabus and readings so far it’s definitely going to push my mind, which will be good, but is scary. I also get to spend more time with my awesome cohort members, so can’t wait!
- I want to work on maintaining the great friendships I have made here in the last year, because I met some awesome people and don’t want my busy schedule to prevent me from not seeing them.
- Really work on time management. I’ll need with full time school, work, and volunteer stuff. And blogging.
- Feature other spouses on the blog! It is called More than a military spouse and I want to show some other people’s experiences, let me know if you have a story to share!
Those are the main things on my list. I hope to have fun throughout the year and can’t wait to see more family and friends as we travel for weddings and holidays. As always, let me know if there is something you’d like me to write about, stay tuned for posts!
Jessica, I read your blog a lot, and find myself looking at the care packages post for inspiration when I don’t know what to pack in packages! If you ever want insight from what its like for a dual military couple, I’d be happy to share 🙂
Perusing you blog and loving all of it! Coming into the Army Wife Life late, I have gotten to semi retire and am absolutely enjoying catching up on hobbies, adjusting, & , believe it or not, MOVING. The act of moving is not the fun part. Experiencing the newness of it all is.
Looking forward to your future entries!