Lessons from the MOAA Spouse Symposium

Last week I attended the MOAA Spouse Symposium on careers. The day was full of information, some new, some not, but overall it was a day full of learning.

Photo Courtesy MOAA
Photo Courtesy MOAA

The day started off with a panel discussion about what employers want to know about you. We also heard from Senator Patty Murray, a number of employment experts in various sessions, military spouses that have made their own careers, and policy officials on what states and the country are doing to support military spouses. Here are my top takeaways from the day: Continue reading “Lessons from the MOAA Spouse Symposium”

Headed to the MOAA Spouse Symposium

This week the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is holding the 2013 Spouse Symposium at the University of Washington Tacoma. The topic? Keeping a Career on the Move, I am so excited! I am looking forward to learning how other spouses have moved their careers and just general tips on getting jobs.

I’ve been lucky that I’ve been able to find work but as I’ve talked about before, I’m still figuring out what to do with my life. You can follow my day via Twitter where I’ll be tweeting from the various keynotes and workshops. I’ll also do a recap next week (probably Tuesday to be honest, we’ve got a wedding this weekend of a dear friend, my birthday, and a busy work/school day Monday). Let me know what you are curious about and want to know and I will share with you here!

Deployment Habits Die Hard

I know you’re probably like whaaaaaat? But yeah it’s true. There are some habits that I picked up while the hubby was gone that I find myself needing/wanting to do. They aren’t terrible habits, more like patterns of life I fell into during the months he was gone. Be it how to go about my day or just things I like to do.

Here’s what I find myself doing now that I’m used to him being home. Continue reading “Deployment Habits Die Hard”