When I started up the blog again last summer I told myself that I wouldn’t let it fall to the wayside but I did. And there is one big reason that dictated it all and that is….

And there are a few other reasons so let’s break it down:
- We moved three times in the span of 8 months. Two of those moves were across states. One was across our new city once we finally found a house. As soon as we knew we were going to Texas we started house hunting and since our last home buying was a breeze I thought that would happen again, not so much. The market where we bought was bananas! Fortunately we had an amazing real estate agent, but the house hunt and offer after offer after offer took over my life. We finally found the perfect home, but it took a long time, and it was exhausting. Then we got to move our stuff again and unpack and organize it all. Thankfully we moved here with some awesome friends that were a HUGE help.
- Job hunting. Moving to a new place that we’d be for awhile meant that I really wanted to find a new full-time job. And I didn’t want to put out to the public world that I was pregnant. As someone who does communications for a living I knew that prospective employers would Google me and I didn’t want to be discriminated against because we’d decided to start a family. It was tough because I had all these crazy, awesome thoughts about being pregnant but I wanted to find a job as fast as I could. So I wrote cover letters and sent out resumes and attended networking events and waited and waited and waited…for what turned out to be no job offers. I can chalk it up to a few reasons – either overqualified, bad timing, and possibly some pregnancy discrimination. It’s also a crazy job market here, so I’m competing against a lot of people. I need to stand out and maybe that cover letter of mine needs a revamp. I’m not sure, but I do have my…
- Freelancing work. Fortunately while my job hunt was hitting a lot of walls, my freelancing work picked up. I was writing for NextGen MilSpouse, working on a few projects for another client, and just recently became the community manager for NextGen! I also took on a temp job to fill some time in there too. At one point I had three-ish jobs, and blogging did not fit into that at all. Fortunately with the uptick in freelance work, I know I can have this baby and still do some work that I am really passionate about even if it wasn’t what I had envisioned less than a year ago. Heck only a few months ago.
- Baby! So as I write this my due date is about 10 days away. I’m seriously excited, nervous, and ready all at the same time. The last month is pregnancy is a lot like the end of deployment to be honest. Obviously, I didn’t want to say anything right away about being pregnant, but it was also a bit tough. I had morning sickness. I was tired. I switched doctors. It will probably morph into it’s own blog post to be honest. But now that she (yes, we’re having a girl) is almost here – it’s time to write about it. Why? Well, I’m really not going to hide her once she’s here. And well, this is a new journey. A journey that is different than I imagined. A path that I didn’t even see for myself a year ago when we left Washington. And now…now I’m about to be a mom. WHAT?!?
So that’s what has been going on. I can’t promise that I’ll be back at blogging on here regularly anytime soon (see #4) but I hope to because life has gone back to semi-normalcy and while I don’t want to be a mommy blogger – I think this next chapter is going to kick up some inspiration. Thanks for reading as always and if you miss me, follow NextGen’s social pages because I’m over there most of the time.