On our PCS from Washington to Arizona we decided to go a different route – through Utah. This gave us the chance to see something new (on our way to WA we drove through California) and also explore some National Parks. Southern Utah is home to 5 National Parks that are dubbed “The Mighty Five.” The Mighty Five are: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and Zion. We embarked on this journey and boy was it beautiful.
Hello Again
First of all, welcome to the new site. I recently moved to a self-hosted site, so while all the content is still here, the site may have some hiccups. So please let me know if you see something that’s a bit amiss.
Secondly, I’m back again. I really wanted to blog more in the last year but with full-time work and 2 volunteer gigs, plus normal life, writing fell to the wayside. Let’s hope that this run lasts longer, I think it will.
Third, a quick update about what to expect on the blog. We just PCS’d and I’m doing part-time consulting/freelance work, so I’m hoping that translates to more time to dedicate here. Since I missed out on a few months of awesome WA adventures, I will post those here, albeit a bit late, as well as our PCS adventures to our new home in AZ. I’m also hoping to post more about politics, it is one of my passions, and we are entering the Presidential election season, so it’s bound to be exciting. As always, I will post about military life, delicious foods, and more. If you want to write anything let me know! New email is jessica@morethanamilitaryspouse.com.
A quick note
Does the site look different?
Yeahhhhh. Most definitely. I’m working on some updates and switching tings up. I’m also in the middle of a PCS (aka move), so expect most posts coming this summer from here on out.
In the meantime, please bear with me as I play with a new look for the site. Also my email is having some hiccups, so if the email doesn’t go through – sorry! I’m working on it.
In the meantime – have a question? Have a future topic idea? Let me know in the comments!
Back to blogging
Again I stopped blogging. Since I last blogged I have…worked a lot. Volunteered…again. And again. Traveled. Not cooked as much as I wanted. Watched House of Cards and Breaking Bad. Worked out a bit. More generally, I have been exhausted when I get home so I sit on the couch, hang out with the husband, and play games on my phone. So thrilling.
So let’s try this again. I was also still hoping to do some technical changes, but yeah, no time for that either. That’ll happen one day.
Time to get those drafts finished, and write some new ones. What do you want to read about?
Where or where have I been?
Yep, I stopped writing again. I wish this wasn’t something that happened so often. At the beginning of the year I wrote that I was going to write more, then I didn’t. I wrote one post. Drafted a few more than that. Then, as usual, I got really busy again. Here’s what I’ve been up to:
Baking Bread: Challah
I have a confession to make: I am newly obsessed with making my own bread. It started last month when I caved in to years of prodding from James about it. On principal I had avoided baking bread because of the time it takes. Waiting for it to rise. And rise again. It’s a pain. I would make quick breads like banana and zucchini breads, which totally aren’t fast since they bake for A LONG TIME, but that’s besides the point, they don’t require rising, hence quick. Anyway, that is besides the point…I finally decided to face my fear.
I first made this french bread recipe from Our Best Bites. It was simple and ended up delicious. It was a basic bread, James said it could be a tad saltier. But all in all it was good. We used it for sandwiches, toast, and garlic bread. I enjoyed it…and forgot to take a photo.
But then I made my all-time favorite bread, and one that I have trouble finding a good one at all times of the year in Washington (except Trader Joe’s): Challah. The Jewish egg bread is SO GOOD. Seriously beyond versatile. You can make sandwiches, french toast, etc, etc, etc. It’s the best bread ever. I scoured the web over and over to find the perfect recipe. After looking at a lot, I settled on making some edits to a chocolate chip challah that I made (well helped make) with one of my best friends Anna a few years ago.
It turned out great! I will probably never buy challah again. For reals. Just look at how pretty it is! (And giant.)
http://instagram.com/p/bM67O-o6Cd/ Continue reading “Baking Bread: Challah”
New Changes Coming!
I have been doing some thinking lately and realized that there is a lot more that I want to do with this blog. So I made the decision to combine my favorite topics that I’ve been blogging about over on my other site with this one. I’ll be revamping that site but that’s a story for that site. Anyway, I am going to blog about some of the things I cook about, where we travel, and things I love. In an attempt to keep me focused and blogging regularly I am assigning themes to the days of the week. I’ll be a bit flexible so if it’s not exactly the theme just roll with it (please?).
So here are the themes:
Military Monday: This is where I will tackle military issues, life, etc. You know those things that are more military-esque.
Travel Tuesday: Places we’ve discovered around where we’ve been stationed. I’ll probably repurpose some of my favorites that I talked about on my other blog and places will include around West Point, NYC, Fort Huachuca, and Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Also travel tips for those traveling on a budget!
Wednesday: To be determined — I am taking ideas!
Tasty (or Thirsty) Thursday: My favorite dishes and drinks that we’re cooking up in our kitchen! Food will typically be quick to make for weeknights and drinks will be cocktails we are mixing up with our bar.
Fun or Friends Friday: I would love to spotlight some of my amazing friends here, but when I can’t I’d love to spotlight fun things I’ve found, projects I’m working on, just fun stuff in general!
I hope you stick around on this journey, I’m taking suggestions and guests posts as usual, so send them my way. Let me know what you think of the new topics, and if you have ideas for Wednesday!
Military Ball: What to wear
This is the most frequently asked about question, even for seasoned military spouses. What to wear, what to wear, what to wear? I have been to a few balls while my husband was at West Point but none since he’s graduated, our first is early next year. And I’m really excited, I’ve already picked out my dress!
It is ball season though, so in the spirit of picking out a dress, here are my tips: Continue reading “Military Ball: What to wear”