Camping in Crater Lake

For part of our time off this summer we headed down to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. And went camping, my first time really camping. Yes, at 20-something, this was my first time camping. When I went to camp, we stayed in cabins, and my Girl Scout troop camped out in a local hotel with an awesome pool (although I think we may have done backyard camping once). So I was a bit nervous. But more on that later, this was the view as we arrived at Crater Lake:

Photo by Jessica Hall.
Crater Lake. Photo by Jessica Hall.

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Back to blogging

Again I stopped blogging. Since I last blogged I have…worked a lot. Volunteered…again. And again. Traveled. Not cooked as much as I wanted. Watched House of Cards and Breaking Bad. Worked out a bit. More generally, I have been exhausted when I get home so I sit on the couch, hang out with the husband, and play games on my phone. So thrilling.

So let’s try this again. I was also still hoping to do some technical changes, but yeah, no time for that either. That’ll happen one day.

Time to get those drafts finished, and write some new ones. What do you want to read about?