Liebster Award Part Two

I got nominated for a Liebster Award again! This time by MC over at Pearls, Diamonds and Everything Else. I am totally honored by my fellow military spouse bloggers! Since I did this once, check out my picks from the fall, and here are my answers to MC’s questions:

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world what country and why would you pick? Italy. I studied abroad there and absolutely love everything about it! The language, food, culture, art. I can’t wait to go back and visit!
  2. What is one item you couldn’t survive without? Probably my cell phone…keeps me connected to everyone!
  3. Lipstick or mascara? Mascara, only because I wear it everyday and usually forget lipstick.
  4. Describe your perfect Saturday Cooking up a great breakfast, going on an adventure (just getting out of the house and going somewhere!), end with a great meal. And it’d all be done hanging out with my husband or my friends!
  5. What’s on your nightstand? My Kindle, coaster for my necessary nighttime water, sometimes a magazine, hair tie and reading light.
  6. How would you spend 1 000 000 dollars? Pay off my student loans first and foremost! Then any remaining debt. Save a good chunk. Travel somewhere new!
  7. Do you have a favorite book you have read so many times that you know it by heart? If yes, name it. Well my all time favorite book is The Wonderful World of Oz
  8. If you could spend a weekend with anybody…who would you pick? So many options!! Actually I’d love to spend time with my grandparents again, just to ask all the questions I never did and get to know the ones I never knew.
  9. Favorite quote “Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.” -Anonymous
  10. What is your favorite meal to cook? I love me some brunch. And baked goods.
  11. How did you spend your last birthday? On my actual birthday I went to one of my best friend’s weddings in my hometown! That day my mom also made me an AMAZING cake. Back in WA we had a fondue party with all of our friends!

Check out MC’s blog for all sorts of fashion tips and inspiration boards, among other things. Anyone share anything in common with me from these questions? Would love to hear what in the comments!

Liebster Award

Thanks to Salena over at Journey of the Luptons for nominating me for this award!

Here’s how it works. There are 4 steps to receiving this award:

1. List 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer your nominator’s 11 questions.
3. Choose up to 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and ask them your own questions.
4. Inform your nominees of their award nominations.

11 Things About Me:

  1. I consider NYC my second hometown after going to NYU and living there for a total of 5 years.
  2. I love trying out new recipes, I have subscriptions to 3 food magazines.
  3. My favorite boy band was 98 degrees, followed by N’Sync.
  4. I’ve been a fan of fun. since they were The Format back in AZ. (Ok the lead singer is the same, but still, love them!)
  5. I almost didn’t go to the get together at my friend’s the night I met my husband.
  6. I have a dog planned out in my head down to the name. We just can’t have a dog yet.
  7. I love tonic water, just by itself, with a lime. And with gin.
  8. During undergrad I did not drink coffee regularly.
  9. I can only make coffee with my Keurig.
  10. One of my favorite foods is crepes. My grandmother’s family has French origins, so crepe pans are a necessity in our kitchens!
  11. I’ve seen all seasons of Project Runway, including All-Stars.

Salena’s questions:

  1. How long have you been blogging?   On here since October but in general: years. I had a Xanga and LiveJournal (oh I hope no one can find those…). I also have another blog too about food and travel.
  2. What made you start blogging?  For this blog it was sparked by a class, but the idea has been floating around in my head for a year or so. I want to share what military life is like, and that being married to a man in the Army doesn’t change who I am as a person, just some of the everyday things are a bit different.
  3. What do you like the most about blogging? Sharing stories and connecting with people.
  4. How many relatives do you have and how old are they? The hubby, 2 parents, a brother, 8 cousins + their kids and my in-laws (there are a lot of them). Ages: youngest is 5, oldest 71.
  5. What do you like to do on your free time? Cook, travel, spend time with my loved ones and friends.
  6. What kinds of movies do you enjoy?  Comedies and drama.
  7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Maybe a few inches taller…
  8. Who are you closest to in your family?  Besides my husband, my mom.
  9. Favorite website (not a blog)? Pinterest.
  10. What’s the best part about the holidays? The food!
  11. Where are you from? Phoenix, AZ

The winners!

These are some of my fellow MCDMers’ blogs, military spouses, and friends! In no particular order, but I hope you all enjoy their blogs as much as I do.

  1. Creative Quince
  2. Restrictions Turned Creative
  3. Unicorn in Uniform
  4. Vintage 1969
  5. Take That to Go
  6. Quartermisses
  7. The Manic Military Wife
  8. And Then We Laughed
  9. Look Beyond the Imperfections
  10. A Writer’s Purpose

My questions for these bloggers:

  1. What sparked your blog idea?
  2. What’s been the most difficult part about blogging?
  3. What have you learned in the process of blogging?
  4. If you’re on Twitter, whose your favorite person to follow? If not, favorite Facebook page?
  5. What’s your favorite food?
  6. If you could only make one trip, where is the one place you want to visit in the world?
  7. What are you most looking forward to this holiday season?
  8. What’s that last book that you read (for fun)?
  9. What do you think about Pinterest?
  10. What’s your favorite magazine?
  11. Holiday cards: a do or don’t?

So that’s it! Who are some of your favorite bloggers? Thanks again to Salena for the award!