Register today for the Military Spouse Wellness Summit

In just two weeks the first ever Military Spouse Wellness Summit will be happening online and you should attend! Here’s the scoop”


Who/What: InDependent, The Army Wife Network, and The USAA Educational Foundation bring you the first-ever Military Spouse Wellness Summit: Invest in Yourself 2015.

When: The Summit begins Monday, October 19 and ends Friday, October 23 with a bonus day Saturday when we announce our big-prize winner!

Why: We have put together a group of ten health, nutrition, fitness, and financial experts who are all eager to help you thrive as a military spouse. EVERY REGISTERED participant receives a 1-year membership to Thrive Market (Retail Value $49) and a chance to win tons of PRIZES by MetLife Dental, MSB New Media, SpouseBox, Elva Publishing, QALO rings, Lucy Activewear, and many more.

Where: Listen online! Join us while on a walk enjoying the fall weather or tearing it up on the treadmill at the gym. The recordings will available during the week of the event (Oct. 19-24).

What you’ll learn: Speakers are going to discuss healthy eating, fitness, money, TriCare, finances, and relationships. Two interviews will be emailed to you everyday and then you can listen at your leisure during the week.

How to register: Registration is easy – just click this link and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Then you’re all set!

I’ll be listening in the week of the 19th – will you? 

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