Hello Again


First of all, welcome to the new site. I recently moved to a self-hosted site, so while all the content is still here, the site may have some hiccups. So please let me know if you see something that’s a bit amiss.

Secondly, I’m back again. I really wanted to blog more in the last year but with full-time work and 2 volunteer gigs, plus normal life, writing fell to the wayside. Let’s hope that this run lasts longer, I think it will.

Third, a quick update about what to expect on the blog. We just PCS’d and I’m doing part-time consulting/freelance work, so I’m hoping that translates to more time to dedicate here. Since I missed out on a few months of awesome WA adventures, I will post those here, albeit a bit late, as well as our PCS adventures to our new home in AZ. I’m also hoping to post more about politics, it is one of my passions, and we are entering the Presidential election season, so it’s bound to be exciting. As always, I will post about military life, delicious foods, and more. If you want to write anything let me know! New email is jessica@morethanamilitaryspouse.com.



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