Hello and so sorry about the long break in posts. It’s been a busy few months with work, school, holidays, and life. But I’m pledging to myself to write more and bring this blog back to action! I have a few posts in the works from the last few weeks, all in draft form, but wanted to give you a heads up about what’s to come this year:

- The blog will be moving, kinda. Without getting too technical I am moving the site to a self-hosted WordPress blog, it will look the same but those of you that follow me directly through WordPress may need to re-follow. With life still a bit crazy for the next 2 months as I finish my Master’s I doubt this will get done soon. But pay attention to an announcement for when I move it so that you don’t miss any posts!
- More posts about real spouses! I know some AMAZING spouses and I’ve always wanted to highlight them and haven’t. I’m hoping for some guest blog posts and stories about the different ways we all have dealt with military life and continued to pursue our passions. If you’re interested in blogging or being interviewed/featured please let me know!
- Continuing the military, food, travel, life update posts. I hope you all enjoy these posts as much as I do, if there is anything you want to know about, please let me know!
I think that is all…like I said stay tuned for posts and exciting changes! And always feel free to reach out if you are curious about anything!